An Act of Selflessness.
A few weeks ago, a young girl called and said she and her sister hold a fundraising dinner once a year in memory of their brother, Neil Brant. They host a dinner at a place in Hubbard. It raises about $3000 each year. They asked if we could find a veteran they could meet and make a difference. Our Services Director was on the hunt! He found a female veteran who needed home repair for $600.
The rest of it they gave us last week to all be used for one veteran. Our Services Director contacted a Vietnam vet who has had cancer and several other health issues. He needs a roof repair. It’s a small ranch. The $2400 could purchase the materials to do the whole roof if we could find some volunteers to do the work. Long story short – we need a roofing company that can help out this Vietnam Veteran! Please contact us if you know of any willing to do this for this veteran.