Today, we want to share a “Case of the Week” from our corporate office in Liberty Township, Youngstown Ohio.
Pooped Out on Personal Problem
A veteran came to our office in despair over his water bill. He had a disconnect notice and owed a whopping $1,300. He had two recent surgeries for his neck and his back and was still suffering from other physical ailments.
He had visited other agencies but wasn’t able to find help anywhere. He had called the water company but wasn’t able to improve his situation. Bob, our Services Director, asked the veteran why his water usage was so high – the veteran responded, “Have you ever had diarrhea?” “For a month?” Bob didn’t have an answer for that.
He called the water company, explained the situation, and was able to negotiate a payment plan and cancel the disconnect. Veterans’ Outreach paid for the 1st month of the plan.
Today’s Case of the Week comes from our Sarasota, FL office written by our regional manager, Bob Graham.
A local woman just lost her mother a couple of months ago. When this happened she decided to bring her father down to live with her from Missouri.
He has a number of physical issues – essentially stemming from a jeep accident when he served during the Korean “conflict” – which has affected his quality of life.
He approached the VA many times on getting some pension benefits but it has been resisted and he has not even heard from them for the last 1 1/2 years.
She wanted advice on how best to have the situation looked at now that he is in FL, asked one of the local Sam’s Club employees on where to go, and she was told to contact our office. I went through the various possible channels with her, suggested the most relevant contact for her and she will follow up – keeping us informed on how it is going. Veterans’ Outreach is frequently used as a valuable information source as well as a possible donor of financial assistance.
We are happy would could help this veteran find the answers he so desperately needs.
This week our Case of the Week comes from our Sarasota, FL office written by Jan Worrel, our EC there.
We had a wife of a veteran call us this week. They needed help with their electric bill. It is from Lakeland Electric, not an electric company that we get a lot of requests for. Bob had about a year ago, filled out paperwork for Lakeland Electric stating we were a Non-for-Profit Veterans Organization and sometimes we do get a request for Lakeland Electric, so we can be classified as a Charity Organization.
She went on to tell me that her husband had a biopsy on his chest wall. The biopsy came back with atypical Lymph nodes, due to the type of atypical lymph nodes, they have to send the pathology slides out to Mayo Clinic for further evaluation on how to treat him. In the meantime, he fell at work and possibly has torn his rotator cuff and is unable to work now.
We were able to assist them with their electric bill.
We are happy we could help in this time of great need!
Corporate Office
17 Colonial Drive
Youngstown, OH 44505
Phone: 888-2VETNET
Fax: 330-755-5930
Email: [email protected]
Veterans’ Outreach is a 501(c)(3) organization
EIN: 22-3272976

Alabama Office
807 Midway Street
Hartselle, Alabama 35640
Phone: 866-3VETNET
Fax: 256-778-3267
Email: [email protected]
Florida Office
Kentucky Office
512 E Main Street
Grayson, Kentucky 41143
Phone: 866-5VETNET
Fax: 606-475-0217
Email: [email protected]