Veterans’ Outreach has the primary mission of respectfully honoring and serving all veterans. Each veteran has unique needs. We use our program resources to offer a hand up, not a hand out, to benefit veterans and in turn communities and this great nation.
Perhaps you are a veteran, have a loved one that has served, or you are just passionate about helping veterans. In any case, this country and much of the world has depended upon the brave men and women who were willing to risk their lives to protect America and freedom around the world.
No other warrior in history can compare to the American soldier’s compassion and strength for answering the call to duty. They have endured the blood, guts, and glory of war worldwide, without complaint.
Take your time looking at our site and check out our Facebook page as well. Take a moment each week to read our “Spotlight of the Week.” It will grip your heart every time when you realize these are real veterans’ lives that we touch daily.
We have heart, credibility, and transparency. We need your donation to continue our mission to be there when they need us, to have their back. You can make a difference through your donation, sponsorship, and membership.
Veterans’ Outreach pledges to operate in a manner that honors every donor, every partner, and all the relationships we’ve built. We are proud to have an average ratio of 80/20 with 80% of every dollar going towards our mission of helping veterans.
* All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.