This week’s Case of the Week comes from our Sarasota, FL office written by our Regional Manager, Bob Graham.
One of the VA counselors contacted our Sarasota office to assist a veteran. He was to move into a VA supported home with a promised independent inspection on August 1 to ensure that as a move in date – as happens, that did not happen.
To avoid the veteran being homeless, the case manager suggested the vet should move in anyhow. The landlord was agreeable but when the inspection did not happen until August 15, he felt that the veteran owed $250 for the unpaid time. He was amenable to the vet “working off” $150 of that amount but insistent on a $100 cash payment.
Since the peculiarities of the VA system do not permit that kind of a payment, the case manager turned to Veterans’ Outreach as the only agency “nimble enough and compassionate enough” to step in ……which we did, to everyone’s relief!