Join Us for the Stars & Strikes Charity Bowl-A-Thon!
Event Details:
Check-in: Starts at 1:30 PM
Bowling: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Shoes Included)
Appetizers & Soft Drinks Provided
Pizza Buffet & Awards: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Ticket Information:
Cost: Individual Ticket: $30 Per Person / Team Ticket: $120 (4 People)
Basket Auction and 50/50 Raffle!
Teams of 4, All Ages Welcome!
Pre-Registration Required
Reserve Your Spots Today!
Online: Fill out the ticket information on the left
Mail or Stop By: 17 Colonial Drive, Youngstown 44505
Call: 330-755-5792 EXT. 2
Email: [email protected]