Veteran Donates Mobility Scooter/Veterans Receive Mobility Scooter

This week, we would like to share a “Case of the Week” from our corporate home office located in Liberty Township, just north of Youngstown Ohio.

Veteran Donates Mobility Scooter/Veterans Receive Mobility Scooter

A very generous veteran donated a working Golden Companion Scooter.  He just wanted a vet in need to benefit from the freedom that this scooter could offer to a disabled veteran.  A couple of days later, a veteran and his wife came to our office for help with food and financial issues.  Through the conversation, we learned that the veteran’s father is also a veteran.  They both have physical disabilities, as well as his wife.  We offered them the Golden Companion, and they were surprised and thrilled like  “kids on Christmas morning”.  What a blessing it is that we can play a role in veterans helping veterans.