Spontaneous Soulful Singing Lifts Heavy Hearts
This week we want to share a “Case of the Week” from our corporate office in Liberty twp., Youngstown Ohio as told by our Executive Director, Teri Ely. 
On any given Wednesday in the Liberty office, dozens of veterans line up for assistance, sometimes out the door and across the parking lot.
A week ago, it was warm and the waiting room door was left wide open. One of the veterans had the music cranked up in his car, but not the type of music that we share in an office setting.
I politely asked him to turn the music down. He replied with a lot of high energy, “I gots to have the music! The music is for the brothers! It’s the only thing that keeps me sane, so I don’t explode – you blue-eyed blond B____H”. 
He said he was here to see Mr. Bob, not me. I said ok and told Mr. Bob, aka Bob Julian that we had a problem. Bob saw that he had a flask in his hand. He put his arm around the veteran’s shoulders and walked him out the door. The remaining veterans were very sympathetic and apologetic. I continued with my day, but have to admit that his verbal attack was disheartening.
Just one week later, it wasn’t quite as crowded. Every veteran had a chair. There happened to be a Pastor in the crowd that had never been to our office before. He looked around the room and studied all of the faces, seeing some more troubled than others. One of them was the same veteran that had been escorted out the previous week. He had his head down and was very quiet. The Pastor announced that he was going to lead everyone in prayer for their concerns. 
He said a long beautiful prayer! Not a sound could be heard except the Pastor’s deep and soulful voice. Our office gals work came to a stop and they were motionless as they listened to God’s healing words. When the stranger Pastor finished the prayer, another veteran began to sing the “Our Father”. Almost immediately, other vets joined in until there were 6 or more harmonizing. The “disciplined” veteran was humming along, and later told Mr. Bob how sorry he was, that he had been chastised by veterans everywhere he went because of his behavior. 
It was a long version of the LORDS Prayer and was like HEAVEN opened up! We watched and listened, no dry eyes to be found. We thanked them and knew that this was no coincidence. 
What a transition from the week earlier. Those veterans were here seeking help with basic needs. The stranger Pastor was indeed a messenger of our Lord and he found some ANGELS in that waiting room with him singing from the deepest parts of their hearts! 
No matter what the problems may be, there is always something to sing about.
Merry Christmas.