Our Nation Still Stands!
Our Nation Still Stands!
From Veterans’ Outreach President
Is that all you got? Yea…One punch and then a second punch to the guts of our nation. With all of the ugliness that 2020 has given to us in less than a year? What’s NEXT? The PANDEMIC and then the Floyd Riots have been one nightmare after another. The many trillions of dollars lost and over 100,000 lives lost? The property damages, businesses by the millions…forever gone? Dreams shattered and all of the carnage of everything added up? We should all have sticker shock!
Still, with the rest of the world watching in horror at what is going on in these United States, this is where we are wounded and weak and dramatically distracted. Perfect time for we Americans to fall prey to a nefarious foreign power, while we all struggle to figure out our own wokeness. (That word will be voted on The Word of the Year!) The nightmares forever have changed us! In the meantime, with all of these calamities going on around us, it is simply amazing that our Military continues to “STAND READY”. Those duties are still being attended too, while our elected and appointed leaders try to figure things out. There should be absolutely no manifestation of hate or discrimination in this world or this nation! The USA is a proud and a FREE Civilized NATION, founded upon great ideals like “liberty and justice for all”. But…that evil is still out there that feed off of sewing discord.
Recent events, images of public killings, vicious and riotous protests are terribly tragic, and we must overcome the issues that have initiated these problems. Veterans’ Outreach is proud to be “awoke” to the evil of discriminations. The hurt and the trauma that it inflicts on fellow human beings. It is true and reveals itself, that, we have lost God through these disparaging times. If we all can look at the GOOD BOOK once or again…it does preach that, “Every Man Is Created Equal”. Yes, and simply another timely message, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”! Veterans’ Outreach has proven itself time and time again to have never displayed an iota of calculating the worth of one vet over another, because of their skin color. The fact is that most of the vets that we have helped and continue to help, are minorities. The greatest protector of all time is the American Soldier. Red, Yellow, Black, White, Republican, Democrat, and whatever the background, the American Soldier is a Universal being of ONE! They can tell you a story that when you are in that foxhole with a fellow soldier, you rarely will find a Bigot or Atheist! The lesson that should have been learned by all. It is time to wake UP!